On Monday, March 13th, the Secular Coalition for Connecticut held a Lobby Day at the state capitol. The occasion brought nontheists from across Connecticut together to lobby their state representatives and senators in support of secular and science-based public policy.

“It was great to see so many participants at our first Secular Advocacy Day in Connecticut,” said Pat McCann Chair of the Secular Coalition for Connecticut. “All the feedback was positive and the legislators that we spoke to were very receptive to the three bills we are supporting this year. The Secular Coalition for Connecticut is a team of individuals dedicated to fulfilling our mission of protecting and strengthening the secular character of our state government as the best guarantee of freedom for all Connecticut citizens. Organizing a Lobby Day for secular constituents to meet their representatives is one of the ways in which we do that.”
Attendees urged state lawmakers to support three bills: SB-939, The Patient’s Right to Know Act, HB-6024, An Act Concerning Aid in Dying for Terminally Ill Patients, and SB-740, An Act Concerning the Form of Oaths. This was the first ever lobby day for the Secular Coalition for Connecticut, a chapter affiliate of the Secular Coalition for America.
“This was my first time participating in a legislative advocacy event,” said attendee George Unser. “I was pleased that so many people with a wide variety of secular viewpoints could come together to focus on common goals. I found that the legislators made it easy for us to discuss our issues with them. In all, I think it was a successful event.”

“As the number of nonreligious Americans continues to grow, lawmakers at every level of government will increasingly hear from their secular constituents,” said Larry T. Decker, Executive Director of the Secular Coalition for America. “It is essential that state lawmakers know that nontheists are their neighbors, their friends, and most importantly, their constituents. Advocacy at the state level is essential for increasing our visibility, advancing science-based policy, and protecting the secular character of our government. I’m proud that our chapter was able to put faces to the voices of secular Connecticuters.”