Connecticut’s McCann Gets By With A LOT of Help From His Friends

by Pat McCann Chair: Secular Coalition for Connecticut; Assistant State Director: American Atheists; Cooperating Groups in the Connecticut Coalition of Reason On December 19, I was doing my usual social media updates and fact-checking to stay abreast of secular-minded news, when I stumbled upon an article entitled “Fans of ‘The Man Who Can’: Honoring Pat …

Fans of “The Man Who Can”: Honoring Pat McCann in Connecticut

by Susann National Coordinator and Education Officer–United Coalition of Reason On the morning of December 10th, UnitedCoR’s Twitter (@UnitedCoR) was buzzing with news that Pat McCann—former Co-Coordinator for the Connecticut Coalition of Reason—had been awarded the 2017 Activist of the Year from American Atheists’ State Director, Dennis Paul Himes. (Dennis was also recently named the …

Richard Dawkins Returns to the Land of “The Good Guys”

In 2014, Professor Richard Dawkins visited the University of Connecticut for a fireside chat with the dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Jeremy Teitelbaum. At one point during the discussion Professor Dawkins reached for a flyer; prepared by Connecticut Coalition of Reason, looked at it, held it up and said, “If you …

New Leadership in Connecticut

by Jase Executive Director–United Coalition of Reason This past week, the Connecticut Coalition of Reason was proud to announce that Pat McCann became the new Assistant Connecticut State Director for American Atheists. Alongside of Pat’s friend Dennis Paul Himes (remember our last newsletter that featured “Dennis Destroyed Dogma”?), Pat will help keep a watch in …

Dennis Paul Himes named American Atheists’ State Director of the Year

Dennis Paul Himes, current co-chair for the Connecticut Coalition of Reason and State Director for American Atheists, was recently named the American Atheists’ State Director of the year at the American Atheists national convention held in Charleston, South Carolina August 18-21. David Silverman, President of American Atheists, presented Dennis with the award. Dennis, a tireless …

Dennis Destroys Dogma

On Saturday June 3rd American Atheists Connecticut State Director and co-chair of the Connecticut Coalition of Reason, Dennis Paul Himes, was challenged to a debate on the existence of God by a local evangelical preacher, Alexxander Medeiros. Mr. Medeiros is a Biblical literalist and his arguments, as expected, were circular and can be summed up …

Get Ready for a Connecticut Darwin Day Trifecta in 2018!

On Tuesday, May 9th, members of the Secular Coalition for Connecticut and the Connecticut Coalition of Reason met with Governor Dannel P. Malloy. The purpose of the meeting was to thank the Governor for his service to Connecticut, introduce him to our very large and thriving secular community, and ask him to recognize us. We …

Connecticut CoR Members Participate in Secular Lobby Day

On Monday, March 13th, the Secular Coalition for Connecticut held a Lobby Day at the state capitol. The occasion brought nontheists from across Connecticut together to lobby their state representatives and senators in support of secular and science-based public policy. Cary Shaw [L], President of the Humanists and Freethinkers of Fairfield County and Dennis Paul …

Connecticut’s First Lobby Day A Success

The Secular Coalition for Connecticut (SCCT) organized its first Lobby Day at the Capitol in Hartford on Monday, March 13th. Know as “Secular Advocacy Day” the event attracted both Connecticut Coalition of Reason members and non members to the State Capitol to lobby on behalf of Connecticut’s large nonreligious population for three bills: Aid in …

Godless Constituents Converge on Connecticut Capitol

Media Advisory WHAT: Connecticut’s 1st Secular Advocacy Day at the Legislative Office Building and the State Capitol. WHEN: Monday March 13 beginning at 9 am at the Legislative Office Building, Private Dining Room.  Remarks by Secular Coalition for Connecticut Chair Patrick McCann will occur at 9:30, followed by Coalition members Cary Shaw, Stan Greenberg, and …