Connecticut CoR Shows Its Pride

by Dan Blinn
Hartford Area Humanists and
Former Co-Chair–
Connecticut Coalition of Reason

Members of several Connecticut secular organizations participated in the Second Annual Hartford Pride event in Bushnell Park. Two of the groups, Connecticut Valley Atheists (CVA) and Hartford Area Humanists (HAH), co-sponsored a booth at the Hartford Pride. Secular and LGBTQ communities have many shared priorities and values. Ten Atheists and Humanists showed up to help strengthen those bonds and to make connections with members of the LGBTQ community and their supporters.


Hundreds of people visited the booth, helping themselves to buttons and pamphlets contributed by United CoR, the American Humanist Association, and American Atheists. Many of the visitors were eager to learn more about Connecticut’s secular community and the various programs and activities promoted by the Connecticut CoR member organizations. A few just stopped by to grab a piece of candy, but many lingered and asked questions about secular beliefs and values. Visitors included Connecticut Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman, who was a speaker at the event, and former Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra.


The day-long event also gave Humanists and Atheists an opportunity to work together and to compare notes on their respective organizations. CVA and HAH co-sponsored a booth at the first Hartford Pride event held last year, and they plan to return in future years. Everyone had a great time, and the participants agreed to meet in the near future to discuss collaborating on other projects and events.


After the Connecticut CoR’s protest of Franklin Graham a few weeks ago, we appreciate that Connecticut CoR followed-up with their message of support for LGBTQ+ communities in Connecticut! Thanks to Dan and others in CT CoR for their visibility and message of inclusivity!!