Connecticut’s McCann Gets By With A LOT of Help From His Friends

by Pat McCann Chair: Secular Coalition for Connecticut; Assistant State Director: American Atheists; Cooperating Groups in the Connecticut Coalition of Reason On December 19, I was doing my usual social media updates and fact-checking to stay abreast of secular-minded news, when I stumbled upon an article entitled “Fans of ‘The Man Who Can’: Honoring Pat …

Fans of “The Man Who Can”: Honoring Pat McCann in Connecticut

by Susann National Coordinator and Education Officer–United Coalition of Reason On the morning of December 10th, UnitedCoR’s Twitter (@UnitedCoR) was buzzing with news that Pat McCann—former Co-Coordinator for the Connecticut Coalition of Reason—had been awarded the 2017 Activist of the Year from American Atheists’ State Director, Dennis Paul Himes. (Dennis was also recently named the …

CooRdinator’s CoRner: Interview with Pat McCann

UnitedCoR’s Education Officer and National Coordinator Education Officer and National Coordinator On our way back from an event with Boston Oasis, we stopped in to visit Connecticut CoR for a 2016-planning meeting. Although we’ve had a lot of communication with Connecticut CoR and its coordinator, Pat McCann, this was our first time to meet him …