Not One but Two Atheist Holiday Displays in Connecticut!

Tis the season to be jolly! And the season keeps getting jollier for the 39% of Connecticut’s population that are non-theistic, as two Atheist displays are up on public property in response to religious displays. You may recall that around this time last year Shelton, CT resident, Jerry Bloom, was denied the right to display …

Connecticut CoR Protests Franklin Graham Event and Promotes Inclusive Community Politics

by Jase, Executive Director, United Coalition of Reason As the rain poured on the night of Wednesday, August 31st, part of me thought that Franklin Graham’s Decision America 2016 stop in Hartford, Connecticut would be a wash-out. The Facebook event that was posted by the Connecticut Coalition of Reason provided information that they’d been informed Graham …

Mark Twain House Hosts Nontheist Conference

by UnitedCoR’s Executive Director Executive Director—UnitedCoR It was certainly a pleasure for UnitedCoR to help the folks in Connecticut CoR with the CARE (Connecticut Assembly for Reason and Ethics) conference this past weekend, held at the famous Mark Twain House and museum in beautiful Hartford, CT. Around 125 people braved the rain (and snow later …

CooRdinator’s CoRner: Interview with Pat McCann

UnitedCoR’s Education Officer and National Coordinator Education Officer and National Coordinator On our way back from an event with Boston Oasis, we stopped in to visit Connecticut CoR for a 2016-planning meeting. Although we’ve had a lot of communication with Connecticut CoR and its coordinator, Pat McCann, this was our first time to meet him …