Not One but Two Atheist Holiday Displays in Connecticut!

Tis the season to be jolly! And the season keeps getting jollier for the 39% of Connecticut’s population that are non-theistic, as two Atheist displays are up on public property in response to religious displays. You may recall that around this time last year Shelton, CT resident, Jerry Bloom, was denied the right to display …

Connecticut Nontheists Represented at Connecticut Forum

by Susan, Education Officer and National Coordinator, United Coalition of Reason Members of the Connecticut Coalition of Reason were in the front-and-center of the public’s eye last week when they hosted a table at the Religion in America 2016 panel discussion, hosted by the Connecticut Forum. This highly-attended conference wasn’t a place you would normally find …

Connecticut CoR Protests Franklin Graham Event and Promotes Inclusive Community Politics

by Jase, Executive Director, United Coalition of Reason As the rain poured on the night of Wednesday, August 31st, part of me thought that Franklin Graham’s Decision America 2016 stop in Hartford, Connecticut would be a wash-out. The Facebook event that was posted by the Connecticut Coalition of Reason provided information that they’d been informed Graham …

Yale Humanist Community Project is in Need of Support

During the winter holiday season as the days are dark, dreary, and oh so short here in New England, the prospect of sharing warmth, light, and community is more than just welcome… it is essential.  So the Yale Humanist Community is working on a project to bring an original, interactive sculpture to the community, to …

Mark Twain House Hosts Nontheist Conference

by UnitedCoR’s Executive Director Executive Director—UnitedCoR It was certainly a pleasure for UnitedCoR to help the folks in Connecticut CoR with the CARE (Connecticut Assembly for Reason and Ethics) conference this past weekend, held at the famous Mark Twain House and museum in beautiful Hartford, CT. Around 125 people braved the rain (and snow later …

Connecticut Assembly for Reason and Ethics Conference Announced

by Tanya Barrett and Pat McCann Co-Chairs—Connecticut Coalition of Reason On Saturday April 2, 2016, the Connecticut Coalition of Reason (CT CoR) is organizing its second conference for atheists, freethinkers, humanists, agnostics, and anyone else interested in non-religious communities. This year, we will be focusing on the three themes of:  Community Building, Political Action, and …

Connecticut CoR Hosted U.S. Senator Blumenthal!

by Pat McCann Co-Chair, Connecticut Coalition of Reason Every year for the past eight years, Connecticut has celebrated the birth of Charles Darwin in a big way. This year was no different except for a very special guest: Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) attended the 8th Annual Darwin Day dinner in Norwalk. What makes Sen. Blumenthal’s visit so …

Connecticut Coalition of Reason Elects New Officers for 2016

At the Connecticut Coalition of Reason’s annual meeting on January 31st Pat McCann, President of the Hartford Area Humanists (HAH) and resident of Durham, was re-elected as co-chair; Richard Siddall, past President of the Humanist Association of Connecticut (HAC) and resident of Southbury, was elected co-chair; and Shanna Bokoff, secretary of the Atheist Humanist Society …

Connecticut Atheist Holiday Display Vandalized

Tuesday, December 29, 2015 Vernon, CT For the past nine years, the Connecticut Valley Atheists (CVA) have created a display on the public town green in response to other religious holiday displays allowed by the town. Nearby residents had always enjoyed and respected all of the displays until this year when only the atheist display was vandalized. …